Mass bombing and smart bombing examples

מוצגות 3 תגובות – 1 עד 3 (מתוך 3 סה״כ)
  • מאת
  • #76963

      is it possable to have a small example of a use of a smart bombing and/or the dumb bombing?  are they "visable" in the *corewars* application( like all the other "mov"'s)?

      In the example codes there is one Sored that cought my eye "Jerry"  seems this guy was ment to "copy it-self, and jump into the copy" but it dies after 33 moves, any one have any idea why it happens?  or how it should be fixed?

    the jerry asm' code:

    mov si, ax

    add si, 025

    mov cx, 07

    push w.[si]

    sub si, 02

    loop 08

    mov di, ss

    mov ds, di

    add ax, 027

    mov di, ax


    mov cx, 07

    mov si, sp

    add di, 027

    mov ax, di



    jmp ax



    The problem is with the repe movsw.
    this survivor was written before the rules for 2 survivors, so it assumes es to be cs.
    The new rules state that es is the common memory segment for the survivors, and is only 1024 long.
    That means that the survivor probably tries to copy itself outside the es place.
    You should add at the beginning something like:
    push cs
    pop es
    And it should work.


    הבעיה שלך היא שאתה לא יכול לדחוף נתון למחסנית עם מיעון עקיף,תנסה להשתמש בעוד אוגר שאליו תעביר את הנתון ואותו תדחוף למחסנית.
    mov bx,[si]
    push bx

מוצגות 3 תגובות – 1 עד 3 (מתוך 3 סה״כ)
  • יש להתחבר למערכת על מנת להגיב.