go – estimator

מוצגות 1 תגובות (מתוך 1 סה״כ)
  • מאת
  • #77520
    santa (czif x2)

    well – this might be an interesting (and easy?;) problem, for u guys – as most of u probably have loots of exp in such stuff, lol

    just kidding ;)

    unlike chess, no comp can beat anybody mod. in go(igo/baduk).
    well – if u think, u can, just create a prog, which will evaluate the state of the board for w vs b.

    (it´s not too easy, as i don´t mean, when the game has already ended, but during, it – including, safe ter, potential, ter, and the l/d state of groups…)

    lol – enjoy.. ;))

מוצגות 1 תגובות (מתוך 1 סה״כ)
  • יש להתחבר למערכת על מנת להגיב.