I gotta warn you first…
I did quite a crappy job, it works, but it slows down the engine quite drastically.
The code is uncommented (excep the fact the this or that piece of code was added by me).
Also, the light engine version is incomplete, and works (if at all) only with the Zeus warrior in all battels.
All of these disadvatnges are because of lack of time and not(!) because of my crappy codeing skill…
For the next few months I will probably will have no time adding
or editing the code.
If you will, It would be nice to know about it.
For Suggestion, glorification, insults, blasphemy, and (most importantly) chicks who dig me
e-mail: strpotato@gmail.com
Shai-Team Zeus
Source: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0GJ3UDTR
Compiled: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=R174W87O