well, from my knowlage of assembler I can deffinetly make a worthy Sored, but to make something "cool" I would like to know what are all the commands we can uses (machine code formate, and assambler code format). I tried searching the web, but I can't be sure that what I find is all acceptable by the game system. I'm tried to test them, but it will be alot simpler if I could be given a list.
Something that was mentioned here, and I didn't quite understand the unswere, can my sored "pass" it's own starting "block"? can I hijack other sordem into my code block? If I understood correctly, we can't write the JMP command to leave the segment, but if I jump to the end of my segment, it's next command will take it naturaly into the next segment, won't it? or sill this cause an exception, and the death of my Sored?